Welcome to the Gator Clowns
where clowning is an art… from the heart!

Our Clown Alley
Our goal as an alley:
To promote the art and enjoyment of clowning through extensive education; to cooperate with civic, community and charity organizations to facilitate their activities in reaching their goals
Join us!
Want to join Gator Clowns or invite us to your event?
Contact Gator Clowns toll-free at 1-833-GTR-CLWN -or- 1-833-487-2596. You may also contact us on Facebook at Gator Clowns of Jacksonville, Inc. for additional information.
Meetings are held on the first Thursday night of each month at Jax Church, 6118 Bowden Road, Jacksonville. FL 32216. Meetings begin at 6:30 pm. We hope you will join us.
Alley Creed
- I believe happiness of life is in the creation of joy for others. To laugh is to live.
- I believe the creation of mirth and the smile on the face of a little child are the beginnings of happy existence for both the giver and the receiver.
- I believe mankind can best serve his fellow man by placing cheerful thoughts above all others, for banishing hatred from his own heart, he is setting an example not only for his own life, but for those who will follow in his footsteps.
- I believe a smile is a fragile thing that can cement a man’s love for one another.
- I believe the pursuit of happiness for others is the safest form of insurance for harmony dominated by a single thought: to give a smile is to give a commodity more precious than all others in a materialistically minded world.
- I believe I can best justify my existence by giving of myself as best I am able, by cheering others that may be spurred by my actions to greater accomplishments of their own initiative.